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JAMS Presents – “Dear Harlem, A Letter from Lavilla”


Get ready to tap your feet, hum the blues, and immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Lavilla’s history.

“Dear Harlem, A Letter from Lavilla” is a captivating musical journey through the vibrant history of Jacksonville’s Lavilla Neighborhood post the Great Fire of 1901. Follow 17-year-old singer-songwriter Harlem Baker as she discovers her hometown’s rich heritage alongside her great-grandmother. Set in 1905, Lavilla pulses with life, particularly on Ashley Street, where music and dance scenes abound. With a soul-stirring score spanning jazz, gospel, and blues, the production celebrates Lavilla’s resilience and creativity, offering a testament to its contributions to the Harlem Renaissance and American history. Join us for the premiere at WJCT Studios as part of the Jacksonville Art and Music School’s Creative Liberty Celebration.

Only events occurring within Downtown Jacksonville will be accepted.
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Only events occurring within Downtown Jacksonville will be accepted.
If you have any questions please email lexi@dtjax.org.