Laura Street is the heart of Downtown’s core. Completed in 2011, the Laura Street Enhancement Project served to make one of Downtown’s strongest retail thoroughfares more vibrant, well lit, safe and walkable.
With the holidays fast approaching, DVI set out to show that the little things—and a cooperative spirit—can make a big impact. Focusing on the block of Laura Street between Monroe and Adams streets, DVI secured 20” evergreen holiday wreaths at cost from the local EastCoast Land Care, Inc., enlisted retailer and business buy-in, placed the order and managed the hanging of the wreaths. As a result, more than a dozen holiday wreaths greeted approximately 7,000 guests for the December’s holiday-themed Art Walk.
Wreaths can be purchased from EastCoast Land Care, Inc., stationed in Hemming Plaza, beginning today, Friday, Dec. 7, at the City’s Holiday at St. James event, which will feature a craft bazaar, holiday tree lighting in Hemming Plaza and tours of the Mayor’s Office. Wreath sales will continue in Hemming Plaza on following Thursdays and Fridays leading up to Christmas.
More about the Laura Street Enhancement Project
Among the improvements of the Enhancement Project were the widening of sidewalks, installation of shade trees and plants, new wayfinding kiosks and color-changing LED uplighting. This previous one-way street was changed to a two-way and additional parallel parking was introduced. These improvements make Laura Street more attractive and pedestrian-friendly and encourage stronger retail activity and economic development. The project received a 2011 International Downtown Association Achievement Award.