Eduardo Santos is Downtown Vision’s stakeholder engagement champion. His responsibilities include serving as the primary point of contact for the Business Improvement District constituents, organizing and maintaining constituent information, hosting Quarterly Stakeholder Meetings, organizing community clean-ups and supporting the needs of all of the stakeholders in the BID.
Eduardo was born in San Salvador, El Salvador and moved to Jacksonville in 2002. He comes from a nonprofit background as a community engagement advocate, volunteer coordinator and relationship manager. He previously worked at the Museum of Science & History to grow and diversify the partners and stakeholders working with MOSH. Eduardo earned a Bachelors of Arts & Science in History with a minor in Education from the University of North Florida, with a focus on social & political movements in Central America during the late 20th century.
Eduardo is a Downtown resident, Chair of the Downtown Dwellers resident group, Chair of the Public Policy Committee for NextUp Jax, a proud Jaguars season ticket holder and a lover of all things 904. Eduardo loves spending time cooking, riding his bike around the historic neighborhoods and staying active with hikes, runs and yoga.
904.634.0303 ext. 1226