
Development Update: More than 50 Downtown projects in the works

Jessie Ball duPont Center at the former Haydon Burns library.
Jessie Ball duPont Center at the former Haydon Burns library.

Earlier this month, new sidewalks reopened flanking a model for adaptive reuse and a catalyst for future Downtown development.

The building rising above the sidewalks – the newly renovated Jessie Ball duPont Center in the former Haydon Burns Library – is expected to open very soon as an office building for more than a dozen nonprofit organizations, with several tenants already moving in. This equates to about 250 Downtown employees working in the building by the end of 2015.

The Jessie Ball duPont Center is one of more than 50 projects proposed, under construction or recently completed Downtown. Each project is outlined in DVI’s recently released “Q1 Development Update.” Projects completed in Q1 include:

“A lot of people know about a project here and a project here,” said Katherine Hardwick, DVI’s marketing director. “It’s when people see all of the project updates presented together that they get really excited. The stars are aligning for Downtown.”

Download the full “Q1 Development Update” here.

Screen shot 2015-04-20 at 5.59.33 PMWe also encourage you to share the above report with colleagues, friends, family and other Downtown advocates so they, too, can see what’s next on the horizon for Downtown Jacksonville’s renaissance.

Stay tuned for the “Q2 Development Update” near the end of June. Here’s a sample of projects we expect will wrap in the second quarter, also featured in the report above:


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