Downtown advocates,
We need your help! After a year and a half of discussion and 50 public meetings to gather input on Downtown growth and development and a market feasibility study, the DIA board has approved the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Plan and accompanying Business Improvement and Development Plan, which will drive economic growth in Downtown for years to come. These plans have been introduced to City Council (Bill 2014-560), which will be discussed and voted on by City Council in the coming weeks.
What You Can Do
- Send an e-mail to the members of City Council asking them to pass Bill 2014-560. In the subject line, simply write “Pass Bill 2014-560” along with a one-or-two-sentence heartfelt comment about the impact this legislation will have on Downtown Jacksonville. A cut-and-paste-ready list of emails can be found here.
- Attend the City Council Finance Committee meeting Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 9 a.m. to show your support for this bill.
- Attend the City Council Recreation and Community Development Committee meeting Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 2 p.m. Both meetings will be held in City Council Chambers.
- There is strength in numbers. Please share this call to action with your colleagues, networks and other Downtown advocates.
I can be reached at 904-634-0303, ext. 223, if you have any questions about this legislation.