Downtown Vision is formally a Downtown Improvement District (DID), similar to a Business Improvement District (BID), in which commercial property owners within a geographically defined area pay a self-assessed, non ad-valorem tax based on property values to fund revitalization services and improvements within the district’s boundaries. BIDs and DIDs exist all over the world, yet unless you are a diehard Downtown fan, resident or worker, you may never have heard of them.
DIDs and BIDs tailor their services to fit the needs of their districts. Some focus on clean and safe initiatives alone. Others on development. Others on marketing. And many, on a combination of revitalization services. The Jacksonville DID is a not-for-profit 501(c)6 governed by a board of representing Downtown properties and is tasked with:
-Operating the Downtown Ambassador program to clean and maintain the streets, provide hospitality and act as additional eyes and ears on the streets for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office,
-Increasing visitors to Downtown with more than 50 event days, such as Art Walk,
-Marketing and promoting Downtown and leveraging partnerships to do more with less,
-Offering comprehensive information resources and ombudsman services,
-Providing stakeholder support and advocacy on Downtown issues,
-Supplementing business retention and attraction efforts.
So exactly what geographic area does Downtown Vision, Inc. cover?