April 22, 2024 - April 26, 2024
Monday, April 22nd, is the 54th anniversary of Earth Day. We will be celebrating all week, so there are a couple of opportunities for you to do something to commemorate the day. Employees, families, and friends are invited to join Mayor Deegan in an Earth Day Clean-up along Hogans Creek from 10 am to 12 noon. There will be three locations to join in and volunteer. See the flyer for more information. More than 20 public and nonprofit organizations will join together to commemorate the 54th anniversary of Earth Day at James Weldon Johnson Park on Friday, April 26th from 10 am to 2 pm. This event is again hosted by the Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board and JEA, with support from the City of Jacksonville and Keep Jacksonville.
Beautiful Commission. They all hope that you will join them in learning about protecting the environment, conservation, reducing energy and water use, and preventing pollution.
Along with the organizations, James Weldon Johnson Park offers local entertainment and several food trucks for lunch options. We look forward to seeing you there! Always popular, the anticipated Earth Day poster (free) will be available along with Earth
Day t-shirts (for purchase).
There will be an array of youth and adult sizes available at $10 each (cash/check/money order only). Posters and shirts are available at the 5th-floor reception area in the Ed Ball Building. We also hope to have t-shirt sales and posters in City Hall on Friday, April 19th, and Tuesday, April 23rd from 12 – 2 pm, in the Ed Ball Building Lobby on Thursday, April 25th from 12 – 2 pm and at the Earth Day Festival in James Weldon Johnson Park on Friday the 26th.
Only events occurring within Downtown Jacksonville will be accepted.
If you have any questions please email lexi@dtjax.org.